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Pond Bladder

affordable drinking water for millions of Africans

The article below was published on 8 October 2015 in the Adelaide Weekly Times Messenger

The pond in these photos is being used for extensive testing of the Pond Bladder prototype 1.3. The pond is located in the Barker Inlet Wetlands and the site has been made available for the project by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield.



Pond Bladder video

Prototype 2.1 is designed to be an integral part of the pond liner. It can store up to 8000 litres of potable water

Typical farm pond in Kenya without the bladder

Contact details for the Pond Bladder

Dr Bernard Omodei

5/50 Harvey Street, Woodville Park, SA 5011

(08) 8244 0071

0403 935277

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